When are your office hours?
Each semester, they are included in the syllabus & course information on Canvas. If you are not a current student, email the instructor(s).
When are the written assignments due?
Due dates are described on the schedule provided on Canvas by the time of the first lecture, which will apply unless changes are made in
When are lab checkoffs due?
Check-off deadlines are described in the syllabus. Always check the current semester's information, as it occasionally changes.
What if I cannot get parts at the bookstore?
(The bookstore is no longer used for parts kits, but this information is still relevant.)
You can find the protoboard (breadboard), wire kit, and TTL-compatible parts
Where is the installation package for Quartus?
Intel can change their site structure at any time, so you should always search for the current official source of software, either starting with a