Dr. Tom Collins

Dr. Thomas Collins is the instructor who presents the lecture each week. He also is an administrator of the lab facilities, and he creates all quiz and exam problems, creates new laboratory exercises, and determines the final grades. Dr. Collins received his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech in 1994 and has an active research career at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in robotics, embedded systems, and high-performance computing. In addition to having taught courses related to this one here at Georgia Tech, he has worked for IBM, Hewlett Packard, and other companies.
- Office Location: Klaus, Room 1340
- Office Hours: Friday 5:00-6:00 pm and Thursday 5:00-6:00 pm
- Telephone: 404-407-6022 (please leave a message)
- Email: tom.collins@gatech.edu
Kevin Johnson

Kevin Johnson is the co-instructor for this course. He is a graduate of Georgia Tech (BSEE, MSEE), and he has been through all aspects of ECE-2031 (student, UTL, Lead UTA, GTA, and instructor). He plays the leading role in the formulation of the communication-related assignments (Written reports and oral presentations), sets the requirements for formatting reports, and supervises the grading of these reports through the Graduate Teaching Assistants. He works under the direct supervision of Christina Bourgeois, the coordinator of the Undergraduate Professional Communication Program (UPCP)in ECE. Kevin also serves as the ECE2031 lab administrator. In addition to being able to resolve a variety of lab hardware and software probelm, he is valuable resource for complicated design problems later in the semester.
- Office Location: Microelectronics Research Center
- Office Hours: Walk-ins, or by appointment
- Telephone: 404-894-2924
- Email: kjohnson@gatech.edu
Teaching Assistants
Graduate Teaching Assistants
The UPCP GTAs handle the grading of all written reports and exams, and provide short in-lab lectures and activities. A GTA is assigned to each laboratory section and is available during the early part of the section’s scheduled period for administering quizzes, collecting writing-related assignments, and general assistance. Student should always contact their GTA first for any questions about assignment format and grading because the GTA is the person who will be doing the grading.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
The UTAs are undergraduates who have been through the course (some recently as the previous semester), and have returned to provide immediate technical assistance during lab times. They are familiar with the laboratory exercises, and usually at least two of them will be available at all times that the lab is open.