Lab procedures: Can I come in to lab while another section is in session? Answer:
After the quiz (the first 15-20 min.) and other assessment (practical exercises), students from other sections are admitted as space permits on a first-come, first-served ...
Software: Can I run Quartus II on a Mac? Answer: Several optios have worked for students in the past:
Installing Quartus through a Bootcamp Windows setup.
Use the ECE-provided virtual lab client and access ECE hosts (a ...
Hardware: What if I cannot get parts at the bookstore? Answer:
(The bookstore is no longer used for parts kits, but this information is still relevant.)
You can find the protoboard (breadboard), wire kit, and TTL-compatible parts ...
Software: Where is the installation package for Quartus? Answer:
Intel can change their site structure at any time, so you should always search for the current official source of software, either starting with a ...